Это руководство предназначено для тех, кто заинтересован в улучшении производительности и уменьшении времени отклика на ввод пользователя своих приложений, написанных с помощью Дельфи, используя потоки (Thread). Оно освещает многие темы, полезные как начинающим, так и программистам с определенным опытом, а некоторые реальные примеры из практики затрагивают довольно сложные вопросы. Подразумевается, что читатель обладает определенными познаниями в программировании на языке Object Pascal, включая основы объектно-ориентированного программирования и понимание основ программирования, основанного на событиях.

Dedicated to three members of the Computer Science department at the University of Cambridge: Dr Jean Bacon, Dr Simon Crosby, and Dr Arthur Norman.
Many thanks to Jean as a tutor for making a complicated subject seem simple, for providing excellent reference material, and for lifting a corner of the veil around a hitherto mysterious subject. She also deserves thanks as a director of studies, for explaining the Computer science timetable to me. It took me three years to figure it out for myself!

Many thanks to Simon as a tutor, for showing me that although modern operating systems may be fiendishly complicated, the principles underlying them are simple. He also deserves thanks for taking on a student with unconventional ideas about final year project material, and for providing much useful advice on my project dissertation.

Arthur Norman never taught me a thing about multithreading. He did however teach me many other things, which helped me when writing the more complicated parts of this guide:

There is no limit to the eccentricity of university lecturers.
Although most people prefer simplicity, there is a certain perverse enjoyment to be had doing things the complicated way, especially if you're cynical.
He also deserves a mention for some of the best quotes ever to fall from a computer science lecturers lips:
"There is something in the lecture course which may not have been visible so far, which is reality ..."
"The theoreticians have proven that this is unsolvable, but there's three of us, and we're smart ..."
"People who don't use computers are more sociable, reasonable, and ... less twisted."
"[If complexity theory lives up to its title] if that proves to be the case, I will be the winner, as not many of you will attempt the exam questions."
He even has his own fan page.

Рекомендуемая литература:
Title: Concurrent Systems: An integrated approach to Operating Systems, Database, and Distributed Systems.
Author: Jean Bacon.
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-41677-8
Автор будет рад сообщениям и о других полезных книгах.

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История изменений.
Version 1.1:
Исправлены синтаксические и пунктуационные ошибки, переписаны некоторые неудачные объяснения. Изменены главы 1-9 и 12.
Добавлена история изменений и благодарности на странице содержания.
Переименована Глава 12.
Добавлена Глава 14.

Благодарю этих людей за просмотр, предложения, исправления и существенное улучшение этого руководства:
Tim Frost
Conor Boyd
Alan Lloyd
Bruce Roberts
Bjшrge Sжther
Dr John Stockton
Craig Stuntz
Jim Vaught

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